xy zei gusni zei-lujvo

x1 (energy) is X-ray radiation, radiating at x2, from source x3

See gusni. Synonym: ro'engu'i

On affix form:

x1 [energy] is light/illumination illuminating x2 from light source x3.
x1 (event/state) is a punishable crime/[taboo/sin] to people/culture/judges/jury x2.

In definition:

x1 (text) is a lujvo with meaning x2 and arguments x3, and which is constructed from tanru/veljvo x4 such that each element of the veljvo is ultimately only a cmavo (including "{zei}", "{ke}"/"{ke'e}", "{bo}", etc.), gismu, or rafsi of such cmavo or gismu.
x1 (text) is a Lojban compound predicate using the particle “zei”; with meaning x2, arguments x3, built from metaphor (tanru) x4.
x1 (text) is a Lojban compound predicate using the particle “zei”; with meaning x2, arguments x3, built from metaphor (tanru) x4.
x1 (text) is a Lojban compound predicate using the particle “zei”; with meaning x2, arguments x3, built from metaphor (tanru) x4.
zo si si zei fa'o
x1 is a nonsense zei-lujvo using parts x2, silly by standard x3.

In notes:

default value (re)specification/(re)assignment/(re)definition/over-write; set new default value (terbri-specific; permanent)
marks end of prenex in stack-based dialect
jo'au (exp!)
change version/dialect of parser
imaginary i, comma - spherical coordinates: first coordinate gives magnitude (complex modulus/radius) of the number, the second number gives the angle from the positive real axis measured counterclockwise toward the 'positive' imaginary axis (default: in the primary branch/Arg) as measured in some units (which that number should contain; the contextless default will suppose radians); the angle is not normalized.
mekso operator: finite result set derived from/on set A with/due to operator/function B under ordering of application C
symbol string to number/variable
x1 (plural of ordered pairs) is an exhaustive set (possibly infinite) of inputs/outputs defining a unary function which yields result x3 when given input x2; x1(x2) = x3
x1 (energy) is X-ray radiation, radiating at x2, from source x3
x1 is the Double Crown of Ancient Egypt
x1 is a file consisting of information x2 with attributes/type/size x3.
x1 is a voiceless velar fricative sound produced by x2.
letteral for "h" character
xy zei dirce
d1 radiates X-rays d2 under conditions d3.